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High End Photo Retouch

Do you want to turn your photo into a mag cover one?
Then this tutorial is exactly what you need.
Follow these simple steps and you will learn how to airbrush and how to bring the texture back to your skin.


African American Model
Adobe Photoshop

Original > >

Open your picture in Photoshop.
First we need to adjust the features: making the nose smaller and raising  a bit the corners of the mouth to give the model a more happier mood (it will be more cute).

We are going to use the Liquify Tool on this step. Filter-> Liquify.
Another window will pop up.
Choos the Bloat Tool  and set the size to 250.
Easily and carefully click on the outside of the nostrils..
Slowly the nose will become smaller.

Next, pick the Pucker Tool, place it as shown in the picture, and with the cursor right where the red dot stands, keep the click pressed until her lips turn into a smile. Do the same with the other corner of her mouth.

Now we need the Edit in Quick Mask Mode Tool (Q).

Double click on the icon to bring on the men, choose Selected areas and hit ok.

The Edit in Quick Mask Mode Tool:

Good. Now that we have our tool set, we are ready to use it.
Choose a medium Soft Rounded Brush, and paint every part of the skin, but avoiding the sharp areas.
Eyelids, the sharp areas of the nose, lips, neck.
We will blur all this area and we don't need blured features.
Adjust the size for the brush as needed.

TIP: Press [ to decrease the size of the brush and ] to increse it.

You don't need to be too acurate.
Follow my screenshot below, if you are unsure of what to do:

Press Q. This will select all the painted areas.
Now blur the area.
Go to Filter->Gaussian Blur, set the Radius to 19 and hit Ok.
Don't deselect that area.
Go to Filter->Noise-.Add Noise.
Use these settings:

We need to blur the area again.
Follow the previous step only this time use a 1.7 Radius.

Is starting to reassemble to those cute bimbos in mags right?

Let's lighten up a bit the teeth ,the eyes and their arch.
Use the Dodge Tool for this step. (Shortcut O)

Adding the glow on the lips:
Create a new layer and call it Lips Glow.
Set the foreground to white and select a Hard Rounded Brush.
Draw a line on the lower lip.
Use the Smudge Tool with a 70% strength to smudge the entire area, until you make it look natural.
Follow the screenschots.

Time to add a bit of blush.

Pick a medium Soft Rounded Brush and set the Foreground color to #d4b3aa.
Create a new layer, call it Blush and start painting like I did:

Set the Opacity to 50% and add Noise - 3% Amount.
Create another layer and Call it Shadows.
Set the Foreground color to #76654b.
Pick up the same brush and paint something similar:

With a big sized Soft Round Brush chosen for the Eraser Tool, erase all the areas, only leaving th ones under the cheecks:

Set the opacity to 50%.

You can also change the color of the eyes if you want using these simple steps.

The result:

Ok guys that's all for today.

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Thanks for reading my blog.
Ela. xx

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